Version for the disabled
The Mausoleum of Dukes Radvilas at Evangelical Reformed Church
Address:Senoji St. 3, Kėdainiai, LT-57247
Working hours:Closed until March 31, 2025
Ticket price:

Entry fee – 3,00 EUR/person

50 percent rebate applies:

to pupils of the Republic of Lithuania and other countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area who are studying in accordance with a general education program

to students at the high school level who are studying on a full-time basis, citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and other Member States of the European Union and the European Economic Area who are studying in high schools of the Member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area on a full-time basis as well as to pupils who are studying in accordance with a formal professional training in group learning form on a full-time basis or by individual learning forms by autonomous learning process;

to compulsory military service soldiers, military volunteers, members of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union;

to persons who have reached retirement age (up to 80 years);

to people who suffered from the occupations in 1939-1990: political prisoners and exiled persons, inmates of ghettos, concentration and other forced camps;

to defenders of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, who suffered from the USSR aggression on January 11-13 and later on;
to participants of the resistance against the 1940–1990 occupations: military volunteers and freedom fighters.

Free entry to permanent exhibitions and exhibitions applies:

to preschool children;

to orphans and children deprived of parental care;

to disabled persons and personal assistants and any person accompanying them (one accompanying person to one disabled person);

to persons having attained 80 years and older; to workers of museums of Lithuania, members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);

to pupils of educational institutions of the district municipality of Kėdainiai on Wednesdays from September 1 to June 30;

to ALL visitors on the last Sunday of every month, during a festival of Kėdainiai town, the European Night of Museums and the International Tourism Day.


The Old Town is decorated with the renaissance style Evangelical Reformed Church. It was funded by Kristupas II Radvila in 1631, and its constructions were complete by his son Jonušas II Radvila in 1652. It has survived up to this day with only minor changes. The Church has retained an authentic oak pulpit of Renaissance forms, richly ornamented with carvings; with oak panels in the side naves, created in the Dutch mannerism style. The church basement contains the Mausoleum of Dukes Radvilas which is the only 17th century nobility cemetery of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania restored in 2001 in Lithuania. The remains of Radvilas rest in the Renaissance and Baroque style sarcophagi of the 17th century. It is one of the oldest and largest Protestant churches in the entire former Republic of Two Nations. Reformer services are held once a month in the church, however it is mostly visited by tourists.

About new project in Evangelical Reformed Church (EN) – https://www.kedainiumuziejus.lt/en/kunigaiksciai/evangeliku-reformatu-baznycioje-atsiras-moderni-ekspozicija/