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Ethnographical researches

Kėdainiai Regional Museum gives great attention to the ethnic heritage in order to preserve the heritage and its succession.

The Museum organizes ethnographical expeditions every year. During the expeditions, a material of separate presenters is fixed.

Today, it is very important that the collected material wouldn’t be just archival values. Therefore, besides fixation, it is attempted to preserve the ethnic heritage and searched for appropriate ways of spread.

The most unique and interest samples of preserved customs, folklore and believe are described in the district press; there are broadcasts of the local TV and radio about the ethnic culture of Kėdainiai region. Publications of the most authentic material in the republic press: ‘Šiaurės Atėnai’, ‘Liaudies kultūra’ and ‘Ūkininkas’ started two years ago.

In a repertoire of the district folklore ensembles preference is given to the region’s folklore. The repertoire is continually complemented with verbal folklore kept in Kėdainiai Regional Museum.

Workers of culture and pedagogues increasingly go deep into their regional culture and, using the collected material, enrich cultural events, integrate it into lessons and realize in projects’ conceptions.

Kėdainiai Regional Museum implements ethno cultural educational activity, organizes lessons and carries out projects. During the lessons pupils get acquainted not only with ethnography, but also with customs of their region, folklore and beliefs, listen to folk songs, learn to sing them and play ethnographical games.

Regina Lukminienė

Ethnography researcher